Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ahhh, here come the chips

Have you ever heard the crunch pork rinds bring? Have you ever cringed every time someone took a bite of them?

That's where I am right now. Unfortunately it's not because of pork rinds, it just chips. Every day I am at work I have to hear the noisy eating of those around me, and while it usually doesn't phase me, there is one person that drives me absolutely insane.

I'm not sure how you can make Cheetos crunch louder than pork rinds, but somehow this person manages to pull off the job. It's not just Cheeto's, it's all chips and of course this person eats them every day. Hell, he even makes drinking pop loud! I just don't get it. My mom got on to me anytime she heard me chew and it was louder than it should be. I honestly think this person likes to hear themselves eat. I mean my gosh, this person eats this loud with or without the iPod on.


I have a huge pet peeve when it comes to eating, I hate hearing it. I know that some food is loud and I accept that and don't complain, but when I can hear you chomping on your Cheetos over my iPod there is a problem.

So what do I do? Just turn my iPod up and hope to block out the crazy chomping? Tell him to STFU? I'm just not sure.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I found you on 20SB, not quite a member yet..still awaiting approval! I can totally relate to this post. We have a guy in our office we call "creepy" because he stares all the girls up and down and he eats oranges at lunch and makes the most disgusting noises ever! It seriously makes people leave the lunch room, so gross! Anyways, feel free to check out my blog. I'm really new to all of this and it looks like you are too! Happy Blogging!
